Paper Toy
For my illustration assignment I had to create a paper toy. My first thought was to make a cat, but I decided to make multiple animal designs and came with 3 animals. A cat, a bunny and a penguin. I first wanted to make all 3 of them but due to a shortage of time I only made the cat and penguin since I liked their designs the most.
Final Toys
Views of the penguin
Views of the cat
For my designs I first was thinking regular designs, but I saw a cute picture of a bunny in a strawberry outfit and that gave me the idea to give them all a red fruit themed outfit. When I decided to only make 2 of the 3, I decided to give the penguin the watermelon outfit and the cat the strawberry outfit because the strawberry outfit design didn't fit the way I would make the penguin. The arms of the penguin would collide with the green part of the strawberry.
Paper toys

Paper toys
